Knowledge Centers

Organizations know their customers expect to find information about their products and services easily and quickly. Users want technical documentation online and searchable like any web page. The solution for technical writers is to build web-based knowledge centers where your organization’s technical content can be easily accessed by users. We can work with you to create tailor-made online libraries to match your needs, deadlines, and budget.

Tech-Tav and Knowledge Centers:

  • Experienced and service-oriented personnel
  • Dedicated technical team
  • Matching your branding and usability
  • Implementations from large to small, simple to complex

Tech-Tav’s experts will help you build state-of-the-art knowledge centers so your users will never complain again about how hard it is to find information about your product or service.

HP Knowledge Center v3.PNG

Talk to us now to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and we can show examples of what we can do to help you.