Holiday reading for technical writers

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August is truly upon us, as major sectors of industry wind down and are left with skeleton staff. Airports are brimming with holiday makers as the workers’ mass migration gathers speed. In days gone by, discerning readers would wonder at the latest best sellers they could take to read while lounging poolside sipping a long, cool drink. Today, the decision centers more around which books to download on to Kindles, or which movies to watch on tablets.

Collaboration tools, style guides, Flare outputs, and other top technical news articles

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Technical writing collaboration tools

There are many worthwhile collaboration tools for technical writers and three of the most popular are highlighted in this tcworld magazine post. Whether or not you are currently considering collaboration tools for your team, this article is a worthwhile read.

Donald Trump, technical writing predictions for the new year, and other top technical news

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Donald Trump and the State of Technology
Internet-based consumerism, social networking, and news media are shaping society in ways we never imagined. Crediting Facebook with Donald Trump’s presidential victory may be clickbait, but the argument is an interesting one that is well worth the 7 minutes or so that it will take to read it and decide for yourself.

MadCap Flare User Group Meeting Summary - September 19, 2016

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On September 19, 2016, more than 40 current and potential MadCap Flare users here in Israel gathered at AT&T in Airport City to network and learn tools and techniques for maximizing their Flare experience. After a brief welcome message from Tech-Tav CEO Yoni Palmer, Michael Cogan, AT&T’s Innovation Leader, gave participants a glimpse into the future of AT&T innovations in smart homes, the Internet of Things (IoT), and telecom networks.

Technical writer meets Gen Y SME - Part 2

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Today’s software SMEs are often working in Agile. For the Generation Y’ers, this may be the only development environment they have ever known! Millennials don’t remember the days before sprints, scrums, and MVPs became common workplace lingo. But even in companies not working in Agile, the release cycles are shorter and the demands higher than they were even just a few years ago.

Technical writing summer reading list: Dilbert's release notes, Adobe word count hack, and STE

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It seriously feels like the whole country is on vacation at the moment, and technical writers are no exception. Here in Israel, we have a love-hate relationship with the entire month of August (love the beautiful hikes, carefree attitudes, and lazy summer vacation schedules; hate the lack of camp/daycare options for kids and the scorching Middle East heat). Come September 1st, kids will return to school and companies with mandatory vacation weeks will be opening their doors once again. Until then, here are some technical writing summer reads for you to enjoy and learn from: