Technical writer meets Gen Y SME - Part 1

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Technical writers often talk about SMEs, but subject matter experts are actually (gasp!) developers, programmers, scientists, innovators, and product managers. Today’s SMEs are young, smart, and quick. This is not your father’s SME – this is the SME of Generation Y. The smartphone generation. The startup generation. The instant generation. These SMEs will not be impressed by your 1200 page PDF full of screen shots and explanations of self-explanatory features.

Floppy disks at the Pentagon, collaborative cyber-cities of the future, and other top technical news stories

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What is interaction design?
Being attuned to the five dimensions of interaction design not only explains what interaction design involves, but can help technical writers relate better to their audience and improve their documentation.

Crowdsourcing, content engineering, and other top technical news articles

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Is crowdsoucing in your documentation future?
An associate professor at Carnegie Mellon’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute is designing crowdsourcing frameworks that combine the best qualities of machine learning and human intelligence, in order to allow distributed groups of workers to perform complicated cognitive tasks. Those include writing how-to guides or organizing information without a central organizer.